Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nonsense, 胡說, bullshitting

“Fashionable is a bitch.”
- A friend of mine's quotation mark.
Extremely all said it.Lets Adam put on a leaf very wrongly as human's this extremely first crime (possibly because only eve said its slightly), even if only is the story is. If I am giving a writing to explain how is fashionable was achieved, the meeting must “effortlessly.” Effortlessly unique, the diastrophism is effortlessly cold, does effortlessly excessively .....Is difficult you in the attempt is fashionista in any event, you are not telling anybody that you to choose continuously a your appearance even merely for hour. Such situation model answer: I woke from last night am the hand and the establishment, I just fell therefore provided the right to speak these coats and the pants in, you knew, I did not even know who they did come from. The imagination existence 2 designers they breathe similarly adopt the collection, looked has effortlessly can work as another manipulates him stupid person's time is separated from continues in June in a sweatshop, who is unique? Has can is too cool that it shines diligently. Like this forms probably is proud, is disguising me in here me all to know it.

- 我的朋友的一個引號。
非常都說它。很錯誤讓亞當戴上一片葉子作為人的這非常第一罪行(可能只因為前夕說其小),即使只是故事是真實的。時髦向其真實的意思一直在行進,以及發展現在差不多完成。如果我在給一個文字說明時髦如何被達到,會必須「毫不費力的。」毫不費力別緻,毫不費力地變冷,毫不費力做過頭 .....。無論如何困難你在嘗試是一 fashionista,你不在告訴任何人那你一直在挑選你的容貌甚至僅僅一個小時。這樣的處境的模型答案:我醒來從昨晚是懸挂和建立,我剛剛滑落所以提供發言權的這些上衣和褲子在,你知道,我甚至不認識誰他們來自。想像存在的 2 名設計師他們的同樣地呼吸採取收集,看的一個毫不費力有才能當另一個操縱他的蠢驢的時候脫離在一個血汗工廠中持續 6 月,誰是別緻的?是有才能的是太涼爽的那它照耀勤奮。這樣形成大約是自負的,在這裡我在假裝我都知道它。

“Fashion is a bitch.”
-A quote of my friend.
It very much says it all. It was so wrong for Adam to put on a leaf as the very first crime of human beings (probably just because Eve said its small), if only the story is true. Fashion has been marching to its true meaning, and the evolution is pretty much done by now. If I am giving a word to describe how fashion is achieved, it would have to be “effortless”. Effortlessly chic, effortlessly cool, effortlessly overdone …… No matter how hard you are trying to be a fashionista, you are not telling anyone that you have been picking your look for even just an hour. The model answer for such situation: I woke up from last night’s hang over and found these top and pants laying on the floor, so I just slipped in, you know, I don’t even recognize who they are from. Imagine 2 designers presenting their equally breathe taking collections, one looking effortlessly talented while the other worked his ass off in a sweatshop for 6 months, who’s chic? Being talented is too cool that it outshines hard working. So fashion is about being pretentious, here I am pretending I know it all.
Thanks to

Saturday, April 19, 2008

H&M and Rei Kawakubo?



早起無聊,看了在discovery channel裡講ufo的節目。內容是關於人類與外星人的性接觸經驗!好好笑!好幾個美國人現身說法,有男有女。有強制進入,也有異星戀。先來一對已仙遊之老夫婦的故事,後人引述他們被擄走到飛碟上性侵犯,婦人被驗查過性器後就被一根針由肚臍插入!!!!!!(肚交?!我想這是她當時開口要說的第一句:那個不是西囉唔該!)之後可沒有提及有任何陰道被插的事囉,政府大可考慮把肚交加入性行為之列。再來一名老翁講故,被帶到飛碟上以煙霧式春藥迷倒,糊裡糊塗下與全身是紅色豹紋的大波女外星人們開性派對,場景可參考下圖(請自行將Kylie的舞衣幻想成紅色)。

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

MV 二首

前奏好 portishead

根本是 reality
